Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blogs and Politics

Use the internet to search for blogs created by politicians in the following places.

  • A Blog created by an MP in the USA
  • A Blog created by an MP in India
  • A Blog created by an MP in South Korea
  • A Blog created by an MP in Africa
  • A blog created by an MP in Europe

    Each of the blog write down the following in your exercise book

1. What is discussed by the each MP in thier blog?

2. What are some of the similarities and differences in the blogs seen so far?

3. What do you like about some of the blogs created.

4. What don't you like about some of the blogs?

5. If you were to create your own blog what would you have included and why?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Creating A blog

1. Go to the following link and create a blog of your own

2. Choose a topic of your choice and teach us in your blog a difficult technical concept, piece by piece, with examples, or drawings, animations and pictures.

example of a technical concepts could be;

"how video conferencing work"

"what causes earthquakes"

"How computer games are created"

"How the internet works"

"How supercomputers are used for space exploration"
3. Show a list of your reference sources.

4. At the end, give your personal reflection of the entire process.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Social Networking

Use the link below to write brief notes on social networking.

After the notes
Search for 1 religious, 1 political, and 1 educational social network and for each write repond to the following

a) What is discussed in each social networks?

b) what are some advantages the social network?

c) What are some of the problems of using the social network?

Open the link below read the article shown.

Write the following
  • In the article, which are the best social networks and why?