Thursday, May 13, 2010

Design Stage (Blogging)

The design section of the Design Cycle is where you sketch several different possibilities to solve the problem.

Your task is to draw in the plain papers provided;

* two alternative designs for the product/solution (blog) showing

-what will be included in your designs
-how the page will look like
-where different tools/features will be positioned in the blog
-what colours and fonts will be used
-what additional blogging features will be included.

* The two designs must be evaluated against the Specifications.

- What do you like and what don't you like in design 1?
- What do you like and what don't you like in design 2?

* From the two designs which is your final choice to be created in the create stage?

* Why is it your final choice and how does the design campare to what you stated in the design specification in the investigate stage? (measure against the design specification)

This work should be submitted at the end of the lesson 1 next week.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blogging Project (Investigate Stage)


You will be expected to create a new blog which you will invite as many friends as possible to comment on. A Section from the proposed constitution of Kenya will be used as a source of your problem. Download the proposed constitution of Kenya and pick a section to develop a problem. Example; Dual citizenship, Land ownership, Right to life/abortion, Government system e. t. c

Problem Description:

a) Identify and explain your problem in 300 words.
• What is the issue?
• How is it a problem?
• Can you give examples of challenges faced?

Which 2 areas of interaction do you think are best addressed by this unit? Explain how.

Design Brief: (200 words)

• What will you create to address the problem identified above?
• How will it work, or will it be used?
• Why do you think creating a blog will be the best way to address your problem?


a) Internet source

• Compare 2 countries’ constitution with that of Kenya on the selected issue and cite the source of your information.

b) Radio or You tube
• What has been discussed over the radio/you tube on the matter
• When was that (date)?
• Which radio station?

c) Newspapers
• What is the standard and nation newspaper saying on the selected issue?
• Write the title of the article read, date and the paper

d) Interview two people on the issue?
• Who will you interview?
• Why did you choose the two people above?
• Write down the 10 questions you will ask them.

Design Specs:
Identify 5 design specs
Explain detailed methods of testing your product.

You have 2 lessons and your free time to complete this for Criterion A. Submit your electronic/printed report on Wednesday 12th, May. Your report must have 3 headers your name, Criterion A, and Date.