Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Investigate Stage: BANKING DATA

Please respond to the following activities in word. These work should be submitted by Friday 1st Oct 2010. Keeping a process journal will be compulsory. Always make entries to process journal and carry it with you for checking in all the CT lessons.

Problem Identification
In your immediate environment, there are many individuals who can benefit from using database programs. At the end of this unit you will be expected to create database product for an identified client.

Problem Description:
a) Identify and describe your problem in 300 words.
- Who have you identified as you client?
- What does your client do currently in terms of data organization and storage?
- How is what the client is doing now a problem?
- What are challenges faced by your client? Give examples where possible.

Design Brief: (200 words)
• What will you create to address the problem identified above?
• What do you foresee the product will do? How will it work?
• What are the benefits/advantages of creating the stated product?

Research:(350 words)
Each of your researched sources should have an author. All sources must be written in the standard APA format of citation. I will expect to see the following sources for your research.
- 6 Internet sources.
- 3 Books sources.
- 2 Newspaper sources
- 2 Magazine sources.
Refer to the link below for citation examples;
a)Find any articles with issues related to those of your client. Discuss each issue briefly?
b)Describe briefly the different database careers.
c)Describe two database frauds. What are some examples of the crimes that have been committed using database or people hacking into databases.
d)Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using databases.
e)Describe some examples of databases formats and structures.

Interview/ Questionnaire: Part of data collection involves primary data collection. You be expected to carry out an interview. (Your interview document should have the following headings: Name of the interviewed, his/ her position, place of interview and date) 200 words.
- Identify a person within school or outside who uses a database e.g a doctor
- Develop 10 open ended questions that you will need to ask the person identified.
- Set an appointment and interview that person or use the questionnaire
- Write down all the responses from the interview process.

Design Specification
Design specification describes the details of what the final product should have based on the client problem. For examples it may have two tables instead of one; a receipt report; querries to filter something records etc.( looking at different database formats over the internet will guide you in reponding to this)

-Outline some of the design specification that we want to see in our final database product.

Test Strategy
Any product must tested before being handed over to the client or users.

- Describe the different strategies that you will use to test the product once it is finished.


AOI: Human Ingenuity

Unit question: What are the impacts of using organized digital data?

AKA Strand: Global economics: What role do databases play in the process of decision making?

Assignment (Respond by posting your own comments in the comments box)

Describe a situation where a database or databases have been used to help in decision making or to streamline operations.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Cars database Exercise

Download the database below depending on the version of access and answer the questions in the worksheet provided

Access 2003

Access 2007

Submit your task and the end of the lesson.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Database Activity

Copy the link below and load the file and attempt the tasks posted


Click on the link below and attempt the activities provided
