Monday, April 18, 2011

Design Stage: Part A

Read and discuss in pairs the following

a) What is storyboad?

b) How can you use the storyboard in the development of your animations

c) Use any storyboard software to develop a sketch of your project You may use the resources in the links below;

Monday, April 4, 2011

Investigate Stage: Summative: Animate Me! Unit

Please respond to the following activities in MS word ensuring that it does not exceed 6 pages of font 12 Times New Roman. All responses should be in paragraphs with sub-headings for identification. Ensure that entries are made to process journal throughout the design cycle.

Animation software has been used to produce cartoons and comics for different purposes. Many issues in our society have been addressed by communicating using animated comics and cartoons. We will therefore use animation software to create and examine it's impact in communications.
Our AOI on focus is Health and Social Education. Identify a problem linked to AOI and one client who is not a student.

Description of the problem. (200 words).
- Who have you identified as your client and why is she/he a suitable client?
- What is the problem to be addressed? Describe how the client is currently addresses the problem.
- Why do you think you client will need an IT solution to address the problem?

Design Brief:
The Design Brief is a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom are you making it for. It should be an open ended statement.
• What will you create to address the problem identified above?
• Why do you think this is the best solution, compared to other solutions?
• What are the benefits/advantages to the client of creating the stated product?

Secondary Research
For our better understanding of animation software use, an indepth research should carried out. In your research, all sources must be written in the standard APA format of citation ( see examples of citations in )

I will expect to see the following sources for your research.
- 6 Internet sources.
- 4 Books sources.
- 2 Newspaper sources
- 4 Magazine sources.

Below are some areas of research expected. Each information obtained should be summarized or written as briefly as possible with sub-headings.

- Investigate the areas where where animations have been used and why they were used.

- Which animations softwares were used in which creating which cartoon movies (4).

- Which animated cartoon movie made the most money in 2010?

- Four animations examples created and used for the wrong purposes or have had a negative impact

- Four animations examples created and used for the right purposes or have had a positive impact.

- Name an animations created which conveyed the best message and what was the message conveyed and who created the animation?

- Brief summary of 3D animations software reviews by experts. Which is the best?

- Animations skills & techniques, and related terminologies

Primary Research Interview/ Questionnaire:
Part of data collection involves primary data collection. You will interview someone who has used an animated software and establish why animations are prefered or not prefered.
(Your interview document should have the following headings: Name of the interviewee, his/her position, place of interview and date)
- Identify the person to interview
- Develop 10 open ended questions that you will need to ask.
- Set an appointment and interview that person or use a questionnaire
- then write down all the responses from the interview process or summarize the responses from the questionaire.

Design Specification
Design specification describes the details of what the final product should have based on the clients problem.
What should a good animation have? - write short statements of the design specification that you want to see in our final anination created.

Test Strategy

-What tools will you use to test that the product is meeting the design specs standards?

-Describe briefly how the tools will be used.

Investigate Assessment criteria
-Failure to address the actual task set.
-The student has not handed in an investigation
-The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below
-Little knowledge and ability in identifying the computer animation tools needed
-Hardly any attempt of research and analyse the problem (why is animation required, what makes animation great, etc)
- Test strategy and design specs in outlined in basic limited points.
-Lists a few sources, some of which may be irrelevant without in-text references.
-Some knowledge and ability in identifying and research of computer animation tools needed
-Signs of analysis of the problem (why animation is ideal, what makes animation great, etc)
- The design spec is briefly stated with some short statements on test strategy.
- Adequately acknowledges sources with a few in-text references.
- Good knowledge and ability in identifying most of the computer animation tools and animation terminologies
- Some clear analysis of the problem based on the research.( what makes animation great, etc)
- The design specs is clearly explained with a a clear explaination of the test strategy.
- Effectively acknowledges sources with properly used in-text references.
- Excellent knowledge and ability in identifying the computer animation tools available/needed
- High degree of analysis of the problem based on the researched information. (what makes animation great, etc)
- Thoroughly evalauted design specification with a thorough evalaution of test strategy.
- Consistently and clearly used in-text referencing with acknowledges sources in a Bibliography