Wednesday, January 25, 2012

News Item on Sports Technology

Read the news item assigned and share more to the class on the technology

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Create Stage: Sports Technology Unit

You will start creating the product/ IT solution by following your Plan and taking into consideration the choosen design. The Created product should show
- Thorough competence in the use of IT tools
- Fully justified any modifications to the original design in Journal
- Original and outstanding solution with many IT techniques applied.

The process journal should be used frequently to document progress in this stage.This should be done at the end of each class and any time you have done some work at home or at school. Ideas in the journal could include:
- A description of what you accomplished and/or learned last class and/or for homework; any changes you made to your original plan (and why you made the changes; Any limits (of the software, your time, or your skills) that have prevented you from following your plan; Any new ideas you’ve had while creating the product. Mention what gave you the idea; any successes you’ve had, especially something you figured out on your own
· any difficulties you’ve run into (and how you solved them).
· your plans for next class (and any work you plan to do at home)
· how you feel about the project now, and/or
· anything else that’s relevant

Appropriate quality: Ensure that the best possible product / solution is produced, taking into account the resources available, the skills and techniques used. Also, show how the product/solution addresses the identified need.

Assessment criteria
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student considers the plan and creates at least part of a product/ solution.
The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of good quality.
The student competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Computer Simulation

Obtain notes on the following
  • What is computer simulation

  • What are the different application areas of simulation programs.

  • List down the various benefits of using simulations

  • Research for four examples of simulation applications in sports

  • Study the simulation techniques in and any other links for simulation styles.

  • Use

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Plan Stage: For Sports Technology Unit

    The design to be used for create is known by now. In this stage you will develop a detailed Plan that shows:
    i) a logical sequence of work that shows & describes how you will spend your time and resources
    ii) logical steps to take that leads you to creating your chosen product
    iii) An evaluation of the plan in terms of how realistic, logical, achievable the plan is.
    iv) Justification of any modifications to the design.

    N/B: The evaluation of the plan will be done before create.

    Assessment criteria
    The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
    The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or
    the resources required.
    The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that
    include resources and time. The student makes some attempts to evaluate
    the plan.
    The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical
    that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically
    evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    Sports E-marketing

    Write brief notes on the following;
  • What is E-marketing?

  • There are several ICT technologies that have been used to market sports.
  • Describe an example from research on how each of the technologies below have been used in marketing sports, sports products, sports equipment or anything related to sports and why?

  • - videos
    - Music
    - Animations
    - Online magazine
    - Websites
    - Simulations

    Sunday, January 8, 2012

    Sports GPS; Sensors

    -What is GPS?

    - Read the notes in the link below and write down some examples of mobile phones GPS application

    Read the articles in the links below

    - What are the different types of sensors?

    - Write down the different sensors applications in sports?

    Wednesday, January 4, 2012

    Design Stage for Sports Technology Unit

    For this stage you will develop atleast three appropriate designs befitting your product; The designs can be drawn on only an A4 paper or designed using an appropriate software but submitted in hardcopy.

    Each of the designs should be measured against the design specifications with a brief personal self opinion of each.

    The final design should be fully Justified.

    Assessment Criteria
    The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
    given below.
    The student generates one design, and makes some attempt to justify
    this against the design specification.
    The student generates a few designs, justifying the choice of one design
    and fully evaluating this against the design specification.
    The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated
    against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design
    and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification.

    Please refer to your previous design stage comments or other examplars.