Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Create Stage: Online Business

Use any of the web builders below to build a site that will meet the requirements of Carmen or your own specs.

The website should be at least three page with an Home page, Products page and may be a Payment page.


Task Specific Descriptor

 The student does not create a website that meets any of Carmen’s requirements.
 The student creates at least part of a website with limited features and techniques used. A simple website is created.

 The student uses appropriate techniques of the web builder to create a website that meets most of Carmen’s requirements. The site created is of good quality.

The student competently uses appropriate techniques of the web builder to create a website that meets almost all of Carmen’s requirements. The website create is appropriate quality using the resources available.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Plan Stage: Online business

Using the Carmen's case study material, develop a detailed plan that Sergio Martinez can use in the development of the improved website.

The product should be up and running within two months from the day it is commissioned.

The Plan should have 3 sections ;
  • Basic Plan
  • Process /Product Plan
  • Evaluation of the plan
The plan document should be less that 3 pages

Assessment Criteria
Task Specific Descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.
The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.
The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Online Business Unit: Design Stage Summative Work

With reference to Carmen's situation in the case study document;
The following will be required for your final design work:

  1. Design specs with Tests
  2. 2 designs
  3. Evaluation of designs
  4. Justification of chosen design

The format of work should be either soft copy or hard copy in A3


Produce 2 designs for Sergio Martinez Carmen’s e-commerce consultant, for approval.

Each design should include these items

  • Home page
  • Product & Services page
  • Payment form page

This work is to be completed during lesson time only and is due by the end of the Thursday 9th May lesson. If you complete the task on Wednesday you can use the Thurs lesson to revise for the exams.

Course outline is available in the blog.

Monday, May 6, 2013


The following are some of the Examination Areas to be tested

Digital Activism Unit
  • IT technologies used for activism
  • How the technologies work or the way they have been used by stakeholders in past
  • The impact of using those technologies
  •  Concerns and issues resulting from using the technologies
Digital Entertainment Unit
  • Review of some entertainment Information technologies tools in use
  • Examine how the technologies work/function in particular sectors of entertainment
  • The impact of using  information technologies in entertainment
  • Issues resulting from using the information technologies in entertainment and solutions to some related problems
Online Business Unit (The case study material and research will be used in the examination)
  • Review of some of the online business information technologies as stated in case study material and other researched information.
  • Examine how the different technologies function as used in running an online businesses.
  • The impact of using different information technologies in running an online business.
  • Issues resulting from using the online business information technologies and solutions to some of the related problems
-All the three sections will be tested
-The CT exam will be 1 hr 30 mins
-The following command terms will be used in each of the questions
            a) identify
            b) Describe
            c) Explain
            d) Evaluate

Critical Thinking
These trigger words in explain and Evaluate often signal critical thinking. The bold words are the key terms in the various criteria.
Identify / Define- Requires a brief response or just a list.
Describe- shows a technical process step by step, using an example is recommended 
Explanation - Because, as a result of, due to, therefore, consequently, for example
Evaluation - My opinion, overall, although, despite, on balance, on weighing up