In the design stage you are expected to:
a) Generate several feasible and excellent designs that meet the design specifications
b) Evaluate each design against the design specifications
c) Then select one design, justify your choice and evaluate this critically against the design specification.
Designs can be sketched by hand and scanned copies submitted. Students can choose to use any software to develop their designs. All design work must be submitted in soft copy.
Examples of design blueprints.
Examples of design blueprints.
Moderation Feedback from IBO
Note below the feedback extract from the moderation report on Design Stage
The comparatively good students produced very clear and well-annotated design proposals. However, overall students did not show a wide range of ideas, which is necessary to reach the higher band levels. Again, ideas were mostly pencil drawings and may have been improved by including samples from various sources that could be used as part of their product/solution.
- 3 designs was not considered to be a range of feasible designs
- At the design stage, students are encouraged to develop their initial drawings with clips or screen shots from sources that may visually enhance their ideas/solutions..
Assessment criteria
Task Specific Descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student generates one design, and makes some attempt to justify this against the design specification.
The student generates a few designs, justifying the choice of one design and fully evaluating this against the design specification.
The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification.
Video, animation, games ideas for Design.
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
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