Tuesday, September 21, 2010


AOI: Human Ingenuity

Unit question: What are the impacts of using organized digital data?

AKA Strand: Global economics: What role do databases play in the process of decision making?

Assignment (Respond by posting your own comments in the comments box)

Describe a situation where a database or databases have been used to help in decision making or to streamline operations.


Amsal said...

The Behaviour Tracking System (BTS) is an example of a database to keep record of the behaviour of individual students as well as students in general. It has provided the school with a means to keep track of the behavioural performance of the student, which could include positive or negative behaviour. It has also helped the school keep a general tab on how the students are behaving generally, or what sort of mis-behaviour is common in a certain year group, or across the school.

don omar mohamed said...

An example of how databases have helped make a decision is a dss. This is a decision support system which uses a database and major organizations use to make decisions in the stock market. Another example is when people apply for a job there is a database which holds their information and their records are used to determine whether they deserve a job. This shows that when making an important decision databases are really helpful.

Srishti said...

The dna database which was recently implemented in UK helps identify suspects for varios criminal doings, this database helps the UK court file charges against criminals and helps the make decisions, by providing unique identification of suspect DNA, thus giving proof on which suspects to charge / release.this database has helped th UK police force to charge th eright suspects in many cases.

janey said...

in our school, the database is used to show what class a student would be taken to after an academic year that either k,a,or m. it also helps because it will determine what class any new student would go to.

Candyz!? said...

Registration of Sim Cards is a database that is being implemented in Kenya. each person will have to register for their line. this means that if there is any threats, plans of destruction, the Sim card company and the police can be able to track them down using the information they have of that person and take fair actions
The reason this is being implemented in Kenya now, is due to the chaos from late December to early January 2007. there were text messages and calls sent to provoke people.

Unknown said...

A good of example of a database is right here in school. The library uses a database to check the students account when they have borrowed a book and when they have returned it or if they are returning it late. All they have to do is write a key point which is usually the second name of the student, for example if they want to know if i have returned a book on time all they have to do is write my name or my library number and all my records will come.

Unknown said...

A good of example of a database is right here in school. The library uses a database to check the students account when they have borrowed a book and when they have returned it or if they are returning it late. All they have to do is write a key point which is usually the second name of the student, for example if they want to know if i have returned a book on time all they have to do is write my name or my library number and all my records will come.

Brian Ogonji said...

Google is an example of one of the largest databases there is. Information is gathered from all over and put in one common place where everyone can access, they not only collect information about every single thing that you would like to know but you can shop their or look for items as well or use their GPRS systems on google maps which is also an example of a database. It has made many peoples lives easier and it is the most visited website up to date which goes to show how much we depend on databases and how hard life would be without them.

Harshnee said...

Banks use database to keep track of the customers accounts and how much money is going in and out of these accoount/s. these help them make decisions on how much to pay/collect from the account holder/s.

Karen said...

In various ocasions databases have been very useful. Not only in storing information about many things, they also help in making decisions. Most places that use databases probably use this the information here as a factor before they make any decisions, whether tiny or crucial. For example in schools, databses are stored for students' personal information, marks in his/her subjects, behaviour, or any other event that has happened that is important and needs to be added. If anything were to happen to the student, for instance if he/she was to get onto a fight with another student, the school would check their database to find out if there are any records like that about this student. If a lot of them are there, then the school can assume that it is a habit nad take different measures with him/her, whilst if it it the first time the school may not punish him/her as harshly and will try to figure out why he/she did what they did. It may be as a result of something simple as puberty or complicated as personal matters going on in their life. Another example is in the hospital where they keep databses for all patients. If a regular patient was to come in sick, the doctors/nurses would give him the right medicine according to what problem he/she has and has had. They would probably also look if any of the past medicine had reacted badly so as not to give him/her something of that sort again. These are just two of the simple examples of how databses are very crucial in decision making.

Amsal said...

UK Public Records Database is a database used in the United Kingdom which contains information about its residents. It contains information pertaining to the background, marriage records, birth and death records, financial records, credit information and other key information about a person. This information is publicly accessible, can be used to verify a person's identity, which can stop identity fraud. It can also be used by potential employers to find out more about the person they are hiring. This leads to a fairer and more transparent system in the country.

Revolution F said...

Databases have been used all over the world to help in decision making. an example is the F.B.I. they normally use databases to keep track of criminals therefore knowing how to deal with them when they get caught. for example bin laden is the most wanted criminal by the F.B.I and this is because he has commited crimes and those crimes are all stated in the F.B.I databases therefore he qualifies for the position of the most wanted criminal.

AnnA said...
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sandra said...

A Attendace database in school helps to keep track of students who attend school and who don't attend school. It can also determine which studets who miss school, authorized or unauthorized and students that rarley miss any school at all.

ruwaida said...

An organized digital data is very helpful as now it has become very known many diffrent people use it an example of the child datbase which is kept in UK, they keep records of kids/teenagers and how they are doing because in London what school they go to, what hospital takes care of, where they live,there amount of money there given every week and how much do they have alotgether in UK in every town theres a council and this is where they are kept for example in North london theres a place called Haringey so the Haringey council keeps all the records of each kid which lives there are about 3 streets which are known as Hornesy,Tottenham, and wood green so the Haringey council keeps the records of al the kids chich live in the 3 streets

Unknown said...

Databases are very imortant in the society they help in making various decisions that individuals might want to make in the information they gather. For example in banks they use information of certain people to beable to track or counter check on the amount of money that the individuals have put and also helps in protecting the money by giving the individual a bank account number that is unique inorder to avoid confusion.

AnnA said...

A good example of database that practically we use everyday is a major social networking- Facebook. It's a big database that has a track of different people from other parts of the world, their information, photos, and friends. When we signing up for Facebook, we fill in the information that they ask us to give them, our Full name, age, date of birth, where we live, our hobbies, practically everything. So this database helps people around the world keep in touch with eachother and socialize. It's free and easy.

Imaan Ramani said...

An example of a database could be in the Supermarkets.
They have databases to keep track of the amount of goods that are in the Supermarket, the price of the goods and the bar codes help to keep track of everything.
This can help the Supermarket because it gives them an overall idea on what is going on in the supermarket and what goods are moving fast and what they need to add on. It also gives an idea of what is selling more, so they know what to add onto. Example, if they see that Heinz is selling more than Peptang, they can reduce the amount of goods that tehy bring in of Peptang and add more on the Heinz.

Erick Tiren said...

In hospital there are databases which help to increase the speed of an appointment of an operation or any information to do with a patient. It allows any doctor at any time can see any patient due to the patients record in the accessible database with the information the doctor can see exactly what medicine, injections or operation which had been done and even the last time they visited the hospital. The database keeps records of last visits, payments, insurance companies and much more; by having these along with names phone numbers and addresses it makes life easier for the hospital because it gives the hospital a better knowledge of where people are how to contact them and their names and by having a database it removes people having to fill a countless number of forms each time, so it also saves time for the patients as well as the hospital staff. Any amount of money for ER operations can easily be added to the database and paid of when the patient is back on their feet and working again or even sending the payment to the patients insurance company.

Unknown said...

The class register is an example of database; this is because it is used to keep records of every student’s attendance to class in the morning and at lunch time. This helps the school because it notifies them about who is in school and who isn’t. So if any emergency comes up the school knows if the student is/was in school or not.
(by Natasha chatur)

Khalil said...

ITunes is an example of a database to store different types of genres of music, movies, podcasts, radio and T. V shows. This allows you to search for different types of music. You can also arrange the music in alphabetical order, the date modified, the time, the artist, the album, the genre, the rating and the amount of time it has been played. By using iTunes you are also able to download music. This database can also be used to buy music.

The Voice Over said...

For example in the refinary,where my mom works, they have to use a datbase in finace (to keep track, of salaries, money lost and gained, and other transactions), in the processing Department (to record which tank is failing, how much oil is produced in each) and also in the human rescources department (to keep track of employees and their positions, salaries)

coolhusy.games said...
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Naheeda Bass✬ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ said...

One example of a database that helps makes stream line operation is a Payroll, this databse is used when a company or any kind communnity has employees and need payment. The main concept of this database is to make it easier for employer to know how much or when he's paying his/her employees.
- Naheeda

aahil malik said...

A great example of a data base is the Behavior Tracking System (BTS) which is used here in school. The BTS keeps tracks of students’ behavioral records both good and bad. When it comes to decision making of the final grade or the attributes the student portrays, the BTS is there to show what they behaved like through the term.


Amethyst said...

A situation where databases have helped streamline operations could be the telephone directory. Issued by the Kenyan gorvernment to every home or office with options of other regions or constituencies. This helps the nation call wherever they need to call within a short period of time. This also includes fax and mobile data, just incase the telephone line is not in reach or use.

Huda said...

The school register is an example of a database. This is because your daily attendance is recorded in it and you can refer to it anytime. It also records the day you are late. This helps because the school gets track of the students daily attendance aor lateness. This can help write either a good or bad report about the student. It aslo makes it easier because when a student gets 3 lates it automatically shows that, that particular student has a detention. It saves time too.

Hamdhan said...

An example of the database is the contacts section in your mobile phone. When you type any small type of detail such as Name or occupation, the persons contact details will show up. E.g. If I typed "Hamdhan," I would get back contact details including email(If I added it) and phone number. As an optional choice, the user can also add further reference details such as place of work or even address.

annettemokua said...

Databases are crucial for our day to day descion making.For example,when you want to watch a movie or programme and you are not aware of the timings or channels it is on,you can use a database to assist you in deciding what movie/programme you would like to watch and at what time it airs.
the police also keep records of all citizens of a particular country,therefore when someone is charged with a crime,it will help in determining whether you are guilty or not depending on your records.

Margaret Jones said...

Here in school, there are different uses of database. There excist a database which contains the name, date of payment, year group of students who have paid the school fees and the ones who have not. This is easier on computer because there will be less paper in use and easier to refer to. This can also appy for the bus users. In the data base, there will be the the details of the ones who have paid.For the whole school, we use a data base which is about the budget like the cost of food, water, electricity, books, and the total cost. Then in the end of the year or term, they can compare the outcome to the expected and they can see where they can change.

rayray333 said...

a good example of a database is the governmental databases when they came to our houses and counted our families, we had to mention if we had phones,passports, college degrees,our full names,how long we have been here and also our parents' occupations. This helps the government know how many people there are in that country and also know a little bit about the family that is resident in that certain area.

And after they interview you, they will write a code outside your house so that they can put in their governmental databases to have records of families around the area.

Mikky-D said...

Oracle Library Database is an example of a database program that helps smooth out and quicken the job of a librarian in a library. It keeps record of each book, bar code number, genre, borrowed or returned, age group and other fields. It is also programed so as to be able to use a bar code reader to supply information to it. Instead of having to wait for the librarian to type your name in and type the books code in you just need to flash your card and the book under one of the bar code readers and you will be told if you can borrow it or not. This database also stores a lot of information about every student who has ever borrowed a book from the library. it does this by when given your cards bar code looks it up on the school database (another example) and if you have borrowed a book or returned one stores the information there. This database makes it extremely easy to track you if you are late in returning a book because the database can just look up what class you are at if you are very late in returning a book.

leslie said...

A database known as NHS Scotland "knowledge bank" ( A major medical organization -based in Scotland) has recently been launched. This database provides an organized layout of information to clients quarries from all around the world and also helps them gain extra information about this organization e.g. health and social advice, therefore making it more popular. With this new database there are more job opportunities for people and also informs the uninformed about this new bank. In recent news about this topic, it is evident that this database has already made a positive impact for people as they could gain health tips from various countries and not have to go to the base of this organization to get help.

ⱴяḯהȡά ﻼħǐɱԏו said...

A good example of a database is a phonebook. a phonebook is used for many people in many different cases. almost everyone uses a phonebook to record numbers of their friends, family, workers and everyone else. many people have been helped with this database. this is becausethey did not have to remember all the numbers in their head. however, now at the moment, we have phones so many people have forgotten about their phonebooks.

Parthivi said...

Databases are used all over the world today for many situations and for day to day occasions.Among the many datbases used around the world, I am going to mention one that is used in school by all the teachers. This is the attendance database, where teachers look for which students have attended school and which have not.This enables teachers to decide which students miss school all the time, which rarley do and which dont at all. It also reminds teachers about which students are to go for detention.Incase of any emergencies, teachers know if that student was in school or not.

B-swAgg said...

One could say that almost every website that has you log in or post information on it stores everything in one large database. An example could be like facebook. This social network website is very common and it is a big database as well. It stores a lot of information, from messages, to wall posts, date of birth, hometown etc.
All the comments and information that is posted here is all stored in one database.
Companies as well are a good example. They have databases to keep track of their employees, their sales, inventory etc.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The class register is a good example of a database.it keeps the record of students who are absent and present.This has helped to identify the students who have a habit of coming late for class in each and every year group.the class register is very important because it has helped very many students manage their time properly and not cone late for class thus avoiding punishment.

More Informational Sites said...

there are many types of databases. for example in supermarkets. they have a database to store all their items and prices. so when the item is passed through the bar code scanner its price and number are shown. the item is removed from the databas since it has been bough and the price is added to the to the list. it helps stop theft for example if the item is not passed throuhg the bar code scanner and leaves the building the alarsm will ring since it was not scanned and paid for.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Parthivi said...
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mariposa said...

A simple example of a database is a record of of all the employees of a certain company.For one employee,the company obviously needs that persons information,and this is usually obtained from the persons CV.Things like the persons name,background and payrolls can be found in that database.With this database,the company can recommend a certain employee to another company using the information stored in it because they actually have proof of the qualifications of that employee.

Zakir said...
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Zakir said...

Today crime is being done all over the world from schools that have a behaviour Tracking System (BTS) to huge states in the USA like California where they have databases for criminal records.

Such databases can have information about every individual in the state from just there name to where they live to their crime DeoxyriboNucleic Acid status (DNA) Such databases can be GPRS connected nowing where that particular person is, with who he is with, to what he may be doing at that particular second.

Databases such as these have information like Most Wanted Criminals and Fugitives, FBI Most Wanted, Sex Offenders to dtabases like the BTS which can have crimes as small as a pencil theft or an abuse.

Also in many cases the idea of this has not help because if wrong information ha been stored it can create a huge mis-understanding. Also alot of people do not like their personal information being give but it is still forced upon them and it is just like being spied by someone.

However simple this database may seem critical thinking has been done before it being created, but it has been done to create a more fair life to the people of the United Sates.

More Informational Sites said...

Hospitals also use databases to store their patient’s details and files. this is help full because when a patient goes to the hospital they doctors just need to enter their name and all their details are shown for example any operations that have been done, any medication that has been subscribed. this is good because if they go to a different doctor the doctor can check their files and see what the previous doctor has subscribed or that patient, this can prevent death because if a patient has to many pills to take he/she can die from mixture of different medicines.

coolhusy.games said...

an example for a good database would be a diary because many people use it around the world any gender can use it. a diary is a paper based database. people use it to make decisions in it. they even use it to write their personal and non personal things such as passwords or bithdays of their friends and many more. a diary is used a lot especially by especially by females.

BAYU said...

A good example of a database would be the site Bing, Bing is a search engine that helps you access information.bing is a computerized database, it does not only collect information but latest news,entertainment,maps,shopping,traveland it also records search history. bing is similar to google in anyway possible.-

Samara V. said...

An example of a good database that assists in decision making is one used by police. This database stores all the details of criminals and their past crimes. This helps many police all around the world to suspect criminals using the information stored on the database. It can help police make decisions on the consequences of the criminal since the database stores past crimes. This database would also show the month and year rates of crimes in an area as well as the increase or decrease of crimes over years. With this in place, the police will be able to see how and why the crimes took place and will be able to find possible solutions to bring down the crime rates. This can then be implemented in other countries...

Another example of a database is a 'stolen phone database' this targets thieves. This stops thieves from selling stolen phones to recycling companies as these companies are able to determine whether or not the phone is on a stolen 'blacklist.' These companies would tell the police about this thief. The National Mobile Phone Register is connected to three databases: an industry record of blocked handsets, the police list of stolen mobiles and a voluntary public register.


akhui77 said...

One example of a database is in a business, where accounting is done and goods are sold on credit. So the database is useed to check whether the goods have benn deievered, whether they have been paid for etc. Database usage in businesses is very common today.

mariposa said...

lol!!! :-)