Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Create Stage: Banking Data 13 Oct-17 Nov 2010

Create stage will last for 5 weeks, That is from 13th October 2010 to 17 Nov 2010. For each product that you will create, you must ensure that you have the following included;

At least one table with a minimum of 50 records. Each record should store a minimum of 6 fields with a primary keyfield. The fields should be of different datatypes as listed (number, date, Yes/No, memo, integer, text, autonumber, Ole object and currency)

You must ensure that you have atleast 6 different querries generated in your database product. Each query should be realistic while addressing your clients requirements and not repeated.

Your database product should have atleast four different forms designed. One of the form should be an entry form to the table created.

The other form should be a Switchboard which must be the first to open every time database product is opened. It is from this switchboard that you can open the other object like the querries, forms, report etc.

Your product should be able to generate different reports as requested by your client. Ensure that your product provisions for at least 4 types of reports generated.

Macros are important while designing the buttons in the Switchboard. Ensure that macros are used appropriately an skilfully.

Other skills discovered and used will be rewarded.

Look at the links below for tips.




Thursday, October 7, 2010

Plan Stage (Planning Using a Gantt Chart): Banking Data

Gantt charts are a project planning tool that can be used to represent the timing of tasks required to complete a project. Because Gantt charts are simple to understand and easy to construct, they are used by most project managers for all but the most complex projects.

Read the brief notes on Gantt Chart in the links below


Then Download the Gantt project "Try Online" edition in the link below and generate your online Gantt for the database project. The Gantt Chart is due on wednesday end of the lesson.


Look at the tutorial in the link below

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Design Stage: Banking Data

Some examples of switchboards above. Look at different ones online before working on the task below.
The design section of the Design Cycle is where you sketch two different possibilities to solve the problem. Always refer to the assessment rubric provided
Your task is to draw either electronicaly or manually on plain A3 papers provided; The design should related to your problem and what you stated in the design specification.

Design two alternative designs for the product/solution (database switchboard) showing

-what will be included in your designs
-how the page will look like
-where different tools/features will be positioned in the blog
-what colours and fonts will be used
-what additional blogging features will be included.

* The two designs must be evaluated against the Specifications within the same document.

- What do you like and what don't you like in design 1?
- What do you like and what don't you like in design 2?

* From the two designs which is your final choice to be created in the create stage?

* Why is it your final choice and how does the design campare to what you stated in the design specification in the investigate stage? (measure against the design specification)

This work should be submitted during the Friday lesson.