Sunday, February 6, 2011

Design Assessment Rubric

0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

1-2: The student generates one or two designs of music software demo using basic or limited techniques. The comparison between the software is superficial and makes little attempt to justify this against the design specification.

3-4:The student generates two music demos applying some of the inbuilt styles and techniques appropriately. The student explains the strength, limitations and similarities of software used. The student justifys the choice of one music design and fully explains this against the design specification.

5-6:The student generates two music demos applying most of the styles and techniques in each skillfully. Each used software is discussed in terms of strengths and weaknesses against the design specification. A justification is done for the final choice with a more extensive and critical discussion (strengths and weaknesses) against the design specification.

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