Monday, August 22, 2011

Digital Activism Unit:

Unit Title: Digital Activism

Different technologies have been popular medium to communicate ideas, create awareness to issues in the society. The technologies can be used to entertain, to inform, to persuade, and even to spark awareness. With the many current IT related technologies, our messages and stories can be told with more clarity, emotion, and with impact.

Community and Service: Important community issues are shared using different mediums. The many problems of different individuals can be solved by the choice and means we use to relay the information to influence decision.

AK Focus : Governance and Civil society:

Unit Question: How can I effectively highlight the issues affecting my community?

Today's Activity:
Activity 1
Use movie maker software to created a short clip highligting the hunger issues in Kenya, Somalia and Part of ethiopia.

Include the following;
- 6 still images
- One video
- Music in the background where possible
- Different transitions
- Last for at least 1 min.

Activity 2

Attempt the task in the link below use movie maker

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