Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sports Technology Unit

Unit Question: How have developments in IT influenced sports?

AOI: Health and social education
• Students will be introduced to the importance of sports to our health and the ways sports market health.
• Students will consider and reflect on the different technologies used in sports -training, safety, marketing, performance and judgments.
• Students evaluate the impact of online games on health and safety.

Significant Concepts / Central Idea
• The technology you use in a sport influences your health and your performance
• Sports can be used to make anything popular.
• Simulation can be developed for training a Sport to new learners.
• Computer games can be used build or destroy the quality and knowledge of a sport.

AK Focus: Ethics
• The learners will demonstrate the ability to engage with and understand the underpinning values and constructs of each other’s perspectives
• They will also demonstrate the ability to live out and communicate a personal ethic confidently, compromising where appropriate

MYP Summative Assessment
Student will produce any digital product. They can create an interactive game, design a website, develop a video or documentary, create a commercial, create a tutorial, or produce a song that can be used to popularize a sport to students or persons in a community. The product can address any specific themes in sport; Training; Rules; Products Specific to the Sports; Future;

Write Brief Notes from the technology links below

Read the article below also and make brief notes

1 comment:

jaylen watkins said...

Many of the students who are good at studies often neglect their physical fitness. Sport activities are must for health.

Sample Evaluations