Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Digital Entertainment: Investigate stage Summative

There are many different forms and ways of entertainment. The use of information technology has contributed to perfecting or hindering the way we are entertained.  The entertainment industry has witnessed enormous growth either directly or indirectly linked to information technology.

Your task will be to identify any form of an entertainment related problem that can be solved using information technology. The problem should be clearly described and the clients’ current way of entertainment described. The problem description should include the current limitations, with detailed explanation of why you think an IT solution will be the best.

-          The residential manager requires an IT product to celebrate the talents of the residential students, the talents my include tricks, magic, poems etc. What IT solution will be required for this case?

-          A parent is organizing a birthday party for his son. The parent requires a game that the son and his friends will play during the birthday party. What software and what kind of a game can be designed for this kind of problem?

-          A dance group has been requested to produce an IT product that be used for entertainment reference in future or teach some dancing lessons. What kind of solution will best fit this kind of problem?

Task Specific Descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. descriptors given below


The student states the problem. The student investigates the problem, collecting information from sources. The student lists some specifications.


The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analyzing information from some acknowledged sources. The student describes a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.


The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Basics of Digital Entertainment

Discuss in pairs and make short notes.

Read the article in the link below;


Do you agree that these are the major trends? What else has transformed digital entertainment?

Read the article in the link below;


Do you agree that people are turning to the internet for entertainment? Why is that so? 

You tube Video


What would be your definition of entertainment?

 Traditional Entertainment
  • List at least  five ways that people used to be entertained before the digitizing entertainment.
  • What were the benefits of the traditional entertainment?
  • What were the challenges of traditional entertainment?
  • How were the challenges overcome?
Digital Entertainment
  • List at least 10 digital or online entertainment solutions/products you know
  • What makes digital entertainment the most preferred means of entertainment.
Computer Basics
All computer process and stores data in binary form. The two bits used by a computers  are      0 & 1
Obtain notes on
  • Bits, Bytes, KB, and GB, TB
Why are the following so important while using entertainment programs.
  • Dpi and pixels
  • Resolution
  • Memory size
  • Processor Speed
Define the following hardware gadgets and explain how they have impacted digital entertainment.
  • Joysticks
  • Smartphones/ Mobile phones
  • DVD's and DVD drives
  • Wireless network- Bluetooth and infra red
  • VR Goggles
  • Webcam ,digital cameras and video cameras
  • Ipods
  • Kindles / Tablets
  • PSP / Nintendo

Digital Entertainment Unit


The most popular tools are freely used online are programs that entertain us. The gadgets we own or carry around with us are in most times used for entertainment. The packaging and presentation of the entertainment is critical in reaching and pleasing the targeted audience. Entertainment comes in different forms and ways. What was to entertain in the past is not the same today.

Question to ponder: How has technology changed entertainment? How different is the digital entertainment different from the traditional entertainment?

This unit is aimed at investigating and understanding the digital technologies in use, their impacts and solutions to any problems arising from their use. There are many digital entertainment solutions but their effectiveness vary from tool to another. Different software tools are used to develop the different entertainment solution.

Unit Title: Digital Entertainment

AOI Human Ingenuity: Student will develop digital products that can be used to entertain.

Significant Concept: The choice of a technology for entertainment determines the success or failure of its productiveness.

AK Focus
Pluralism: How has IT in entertainment influenced our perception?

Unit Question: To what extend has information technology influenced entertainment?