Monday, November 18, 2013

Leisure Pleasure Investigate stage Summative

There are many different forms and ways of entertainment and using leisure time. The use of information technology has contributed to perfecting or hindering the way we are entertained.  The entertainment industry has witnessed enormous growth either directly or indirectly linked to information technology.

Your task will be to identify any form of an leisure/entertainment related problem that can be solved using information technology. The problem should be clearly described and the clients’ current way of entertainment described. The problem description should include the current limitations, with detailed explanation of why you think an IT solution will be the best.

-          The residential manager requires an IT product to celebrate the talents of the residential students, the talents my include tricks, magic, poems etc. What IT solution will be required for this case?

-          A parent is organizing a birthday party for his son. The parent requires a game that the son and his friends will play during the birthday party. What software and what kind of a game can be designed for this kind of problem?

-          A dance group has been requested to produce an IT product that be used for entertainment reference in future or teach some dancing lessons. What kind of solution will best fit this kind of problem?

Below are some  previous recommendation from MYP moderation report that they suggested for investigate work.
       ·       Allow students more control over the style and content of their investigation.
·       Encourage students to include more visual details in their research ( use screenshots, diagram, or graphs).
·       Encourage students to analyse and reflect on the information collected which leads to formulating an appropriate design specification.
·       Encourage students to explore and evaluate software and resources that could become part of their IT solutions.
Moderation Team recommendations on investigate June 2013
Criterion A – Investigate: students should develop
  •       Analysis and reflection of the information collected and evidence of how it is used to formulate the design specification.
  •       An investigation that relates directly to the problem to be solved which includes the materials, tools and techniques that could be used.
  •        Description of detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.
  •        A bibliography and an appropriate acknowledgement of sources.

Task Specific Descriptor


     The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. descriptors given below

      The student states the problem. The student investigates the problem, collecting information from sources. The student lists some specifications.


      The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analyzing information from some acknowledged sources. The student describes a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.


The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Investigate Checklist
Identify the problem 
I have described the problem as I understood it.
I have written an explanation on why the problem is important, relating it to my life.
I have written an explanation on why the problem is important, relating it to society.
I have written how and why solving this problem is relevant to the A.O.I.’s?

Develop your Design Brief 
I have written down a design brief: Explaining what I am going to do to solve the problem. (a general statement of what I am going to make, why I am going to make it, and for whom)
It is clear from my research notes what I have learned more about the product to be developed.
I have researched on the skills and techniques required in the development of the product.
 Most of my research work is supported with screenshots, quotes, photos, and graphics that explains the different techniques and skills that can be applied while using the software in the product development. All graphics and screenshots are cited.
I have clearly organised my research in a proper format. Paragraphs are used properly.
I have clearly analysed and commented on most of the information researched.
I have applied in-text referencing where possible.
I have referred to at least four different types of resources in the investigation section.
I have used supporting evidence such as quotes, photos, illustrations, and graphs and are referenced (cited) appropriately.
I have undertaken a primary research by consulting an expert in the area of my investigation.
Design Specifications 
I have concluded the investigation by formulating design specifications. I have included a table of essential and desirablecharacteristics. I have written down design specifications which my product/solution must meet.
I have Designed and explained test(s) which I will use in order to test my finished product against my specifications.

I have included references to the sources of information and a bibliography in proper format (APA) is attached at the end of the investigation section. 
I have formatted my bibliography using these tools ( ,,
I have included in the appendix all the interview or survey questions and their responses.
Design specs examples

Sample Investigate work
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample MYP Video Games Solution
Animation Solution
Digital Video Solution

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Leisure Pleasure related Concepts and terminologies

Research and make brief notes on the following in your notes books. Use diagrams and images where possible
Graphics basics
  • Bits, Bytes, KB, and MB,GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB
Describe the following terms.
  • Dpi and pixels
  • Resolution
  • Memory size
  • Processor Speed
  • Graphics adaptor
  • Hypertext
  • Hypermedia
Graphical images
Bitmapped images versus vector graphics

Images file formats and their key features

Describe some types of audio files e.g MP3

Describe some videos types of video files eg. MP4, AVI

What are animation; How are they developed, what are frames in animations?

Hardware (show images if possible)
  • Joysticks, Smartphones/ Mobile phones, DVD's and DVD drives, Wireless network- Bluetooth and infra red, VR Goggles, Webcam ,digital cameras and video cameras
  • Ipods, Kindles / Tablets, PSP / Nintendo
Software (define the terms)
  • Virtual reality games
  • Animation software
  • Entertainment apps
  • Cloud computing and entertainment

Leisure, Pleasure Unit Details


The most popular tools used free online are digital solution for leisure and entertainment.  The gadgets we own or carry around with us are in most times used for entertainment. Over 99% of mobile music listeners tune in on smartphones in America. Entertainment comes in different forms and ways. What was use to entertain in the past is not the same today. The speed at which technology changes is so fast that technology used for leisure and entertainment in 2012 may now be obsolete. Reflect on some of those technologies.

Questions to ponder: Do you feel that entertainment and leisure has been improved by digital technology? Is you leisure time spent better with the use of digital technology? What do you think is the future of these?

This unit allows investigate, understand, examine and develop digital leisure entertainment technologies, assess their impacts and develop solutions to any problems arising from their use. The unit will not only examine the impacts of the use of using technology in leisure and entertainment, but focus will be on the development of different software solutions used different entertainment and leisure situations.

Unit Title: Leisure Pleasure Unit

AOI Human Ingenuity: Student will develop digital products / solutions for entertainment.

Significant Concept: Planning is critical for the development of digital solutions and the success is determined is by the quality of research and planning while creating the products.

AK Focus
Cultures: What impact has information technology on the cultural entertainment and leisure.

Unit Question: To what extend has technology influenced leisure and entertainment?

Activity 1 (Working in pairs but later general discussions)

  • Name FOUR leading online companies in music industry. e.g itunes
  • What are some of the technologies that have been developed to better the access of online music or to control.
  • What are other innovations have been developed or are in the process of development. What are some of the future innovations in music  production and distributions.
  • Which are the common software programmes used by most major music companies in production.  

Activity 2 (Work individually and prepare to share your findings) 

  • Research and name at least 7 digital leisure entertainment products stating what softwares are used to develop them.
  • Obtain any current news items or video that explain a new phenomena / technology / or innovation in entertainment and leisure. i.e in videos, virtual reality, gaming, animations, online publications, comics, music, interactive books, social media, etc.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Leisure, Pleasure Unit

Discuss in pairs
  • What comes to your mind about the unit title above? 
  • Is technology is good for leisure/pleasure? Why or why not?
  • How is the use of technology relaxing? what some of technological IT tools are used for relaxation?
  • Is the use of technology stimulating/ and good for creativity? why or why not? Give examples 
Read the following articles and watch the video

What do you agree with and what don't you agree with in the articles and videos above;

Activity 1 (to be done in pairs for 10 mins)
  • Research briefly, describe and ranked FIVE technologies that in your opinion have transformed leisure/pleasure/entertainment.
  • Why did you rank them as you did? what influenced your ranking? 
Activity 2 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Name FOUR current innovations that have transformed leisure/entertainment and state why.
  • Suggest or predict some of the technological innovations that you foresee in future
Activity 3 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Share ONE news article,or video or any other evidence that  supports either that " information technology has improved leisure and entertainment for the better" or "information technology has destroyed how we enjoy leisure and entertain ourselves"

Monday, November 4, 2013

Final Activity : Publishing the Entire Design Cycle into Digital Booklet

Create a final booklet using digital publishing software for all your design cycle stages. Make sure all your pages are in PDF before publishing them. Use . You will need to download the free trial of 3dissue software.

Watch the following Youtube for ideas

View the demo