Sunday, May 31, 2015

Criterion B Summative

When  designing any computer system, Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) are used to produce detailed logical models of the current system.

Your individual task for this stage is to research and read more about Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).

Use the resource link below for examples and guidance

As an individual, you will develop an outline of any unique statements (situation) different from the examples in the link above and develop a DFD diagram to model the situation outlined above. i.e Red Dragon Company situation.

Design Assessment Rubric

The design does not meet the standards of the descriptors shown below.
The design shows limited development of instructions statements (situation) thus not suitable for the development of the DFD. The DFD structure developed is not detailed, not logical and uses limited standard DFD symbols in it’s presentation. Limited processes are used to show the flow of data in the system of choice.
The design developed shows some good instructions statements (situation) that can be used to develop a good DFD. The DFD structure developed is detailed, logical and uses a range of DFD symbols in its design. Some important processes are used to show the flow of data in the system of choice.
The design shows that most of instruction statements are comprehensive thus useful in developing a thorough DFD structure. The DFD structure developed is comprehensive, detailed, logical and uses a variety of standard DFD symbols appropriately. Several important processes are used to show the flow of data in the system of choice in a comprehensive way.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

May examination Revision Areas

Leisure Pleasure Unit

  • Find out the differences between bitmapped graphics versus Vector graphics.
  • Find the definitions of the following terms ; dpi, resolution, pixels, bit depth, color depth
  • Research on the different image file formats i.e jpeg
  • Research of the different audio file formats i.e wav
  • Research on the different video  file formats i.e avi
  • Distinguish between the following terms; vidcast, podcast, and morphing.
  • Multimedia security; Encryption and digital signatures, what are they?
 Activism Unit

  • Research on the different ways Social media tools/software have been used in activism
  • What has been their impacts?
  • What issues have resulted from using social media tools in activism?
Transport Unit

Sample questions
(a) Define the term app. 
(b) Describe how a CCTV system located in a taxi could be used to provide information to police and other authorities. 
2.  Many of the features of the new computerized system rely on the fact that the position of the taxis in the city is always available.

With reference to the information in the case study relating to the types of features that the owner wishes to include in the new booking system explain how GPS technology can be used to locate and monitor a taxi and how this information can be communicated to the central system.

Important Notes about the May Examination

The following are some of the Examination Areas to be tested
Digital Activism Unit
  • IT technologies used for activism
  • How the technologies work or the way they have been used by stakeholders in past
  • The impact of using those technologies
  •  Concerns and issues resulting from using the technologies
Leisure, Pleasure Unit
  • Review of some entertainment Information technologies tools in use
  • Examine how the technologies work/function in particular sectors of entertainment 
  • The impact of using  information technologies in entertainment
  • Issues resulting from using the information technologies in entertainment and solutions to some related problems
Transport Unit (The case study material and research will be used in the question)
  • Review of some of the taxi systems information technologies as stated in case study material and other researched information.
  • Examine how the different technologies function as used in running an taxi businesses.
  • The impact of using different information technologies in management of taxi business.
  • Issues resulting from using the information technologies and solutions to some of the related problems
-There will be three sections in the exam. You will answer only one question from each of the section
-The Technology exam will be 1 hr 30 mins
-The following command terms will be used in each of the questions
            a) Identify
            b) Describe
            c) Explain
            d) Evaluate

Critical Thinking
When answering question from the different command terms, learn to use the trigger words in Describe,Explain and Evaluate which often signal critical thinking. 
The bold words are the key terms in the various criteria.
Identify / DefineRequires a brief response or just a list.
Describeshows a technical process step by step, using an example is recommended  
Explanation - Because, as a result of, due to, therefore, consequently, for example
Evaluation - My opinion, overall, although, despite, on balance, on weighing up

Sunday, March 22, 2015

May Exam Research activities

   Part A
    2)    Answer the following questions:
a)     Define CARTS
b)    Describe the main challenge facing CARTS
c)     Describe the IT technology that used in Mentor Ranger.
d)    Describe step by step how the IT system works.
e)     Evaluate the IT solution that is used in CARTS.

Part B
Case Study Sample May Exam 
  1.  Explain two reasons why there needs to be compatibility between integrated communication and dispatch system and data management system. (6 marks) 
  2.  Discuss two different smart phone apps that may be useful for the RDTC. (6 marks) 
  3.  Examine two communication systems that could be implemented between the taxi driver and control centre. (6 marks) 
  4.  Explain two methods that traffic updates could be communicated to taxi drivers. (6 marks)
  5.  Explain how datalogging would be beneficial in the taxi (4 marks)
  6.  Discuss the features of an appropriate user interface for the dispatch system. (8 marks)
  7.  Discuss the features of an appropriate surveillance system for the taxis. (8 marks)
  8.  Discuss the use of Business Intelligence software and behavioural marketing as marketing tools for the Red Dragon Taxi Company. Use information from the case study and give examples of services offered by the companies that you have investigated. (12 marks)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Transport Unit

Below are the unit details for this unit.

Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Innovation and invention
Globalization and Sustainability
Statement of inquiry
Systems' innovations is the driving force for globalization and sustainability.
Inquiry questions
Factual How do transport systems function?
Conceptual To what extent have transport innovations impacted communities?
Debatable Can transport systems developed for a different scenario be trusted to be used elsewhere by others with different unique needs?
AK strand
Economics for Development

In this unit not all the criteria will be assessed.
Product Design and Digital Design Will each have different case studies for inquiring and analyzing.

Start-up Activity: Take 20 minutes for list the digital technologies used in the following areas

Unique Digital Transport technologies
Research and list down some unique digital systems used in the following transport systems.
Public road Transport system
Taxi Systems
Airline Transport Systems
Marine Transport systems
Railway Transport System
Future of transportation

Digital Design
A case study is provided for your reading in the link below and you will research, make notes on the different terms stated in the case study. Ensure you understand the terms and their importance.

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysis

In this stage you will work in groups to market your Taxi information systems owned by your company. You will be expected to prepare a detailed and professional presentation to the owners of Red Dragon Taxi Company (Family of Yao Chu). The following will be your deliverables;

a)    A presentation that will last for 10 minutes with 3 minutes for set-up. The presentation should;
·        Allow each member of the group to participate fully in the presentation
·        Show graphical, video, animations evidence of the product's main features
·        Briefly describe what are the main problems of the Red Dragon Taxi Company
·        Outline the main strengths and limitations of the new proposed Taxi IT system.
·        Outline the unique features (specs) of the new proposed system
·        Explain the support they will provide once the system is implemented.
·        Show evidence of clients who use their product

b)    A detailed A3 poster that Red Dragon Company can use to market their services. (Poster should have more illustrations than text and printed)

c)    Detailed video advert that Red Dragon Company can use to advertise the new services (Maximum time 30 secs)

d)    Detailed interactive brochure for the Company that can be shared online. The brochure should be interactive and have;

·   The Video advert inserted
·   Audio customer reviews included
·   Relevant images inserted
·   Must have a maximum of 8 pages A5 brochure.
From the Case study document you must now know their systems limitations and the systems requirements. The choice of the TAXI IT management system should be able to address most if not all of their requirements.

The mode of presentation will be left to your group to decide. However, the choice of presentation should be captivating, interesting and with deep knowledge and understanding of the concepts related to modern Taxi management information systems. 

No similar Taxi IT systems should be presented by the same group. A company cannot send two groups to present the same product.  

Each group should be prepared to answer one or two questions related to the case study. The response to the question should be supported with evidence from research.
Assessment rubric

·         The group does not reach any of the descriptors below.
·         The mode of presentation is ineffective and not persuasive. Minimal terminologies and concepts not applied effectively and there is limited evidence that they relate to the new Taxi information management system.
·         The presentation fails to give background knowledge of the current problem as well describing key relevant features, strengths and limitation of the new proposed system and time assigned is not used effectively.
·         Each member of the group is not given balanced presentation time and there is limited evidence showing any understanding of the system by some of the presenters in the group. Limited clients of the system are stated.
·         The group’s response to the panel questions is weak, misplaced and supported by limited evidence from research.
·         The quality of the poster, the video and the brochure makes it very difficult for Red Dragon Company to use them when implementing the new system.
·         The mode of presentation is somewhat effective and persuasive as well as showing some use of relevant terminologies and concepts applied and that relate to the new Taxi information management system.
·         The presentation further gives some background knowledge of the current problem demonstrating some understanding of key relevant features as well as mentioning the strengths and limitation in the new proposed system within the time assigned.
·         Members of the group are given skewed presentation time and there is some evidence of some good understanding of the system by most of the presenters in the group. Current clients of the systems are not clearly stated.
·         The group’s response to the panel question is fragmented and supported by limited evidence from research.
·         The poster, the video and the brochure are of good quality thus making it somewhat easy for Red Dragon Company to implement the system.
·         The mode of presentation is very effective and highly persuasive and supported by concrete use of relevant terminologies and concepts applied appropriately and relates to the new Taxi information management system.
·         The presentation further demonstrates detailed background knowledge of the current problem describing thoroughly the key technical features as well as highlighting the strengths and limitation in the new proposed system within the time assigned.
·         Each member of the group is given sufficient presentation time and there is clear evidence of thorough knowledge and understanding of the system by each of the presenters in the group. Relevant current clients or users of the systems are highlighted and referenced.
·         The group’s response to the panel question is thorough and supported by sound explicit evidence from research
·         The poster, the video and the brochure are of superior quality thus making it easy for Red Dragon Company to implement the system with ease.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
·         Farzeen
·         Fadhili
·         Ivy
·         Naail

·         Saleh
·         Brandy
·         Tariq
·         Fiona
·         Kaashif
·         Saskia
·         Salma
·         Brian
·         Nicole
·         Nafisa
·         Festus
·         Yasmyn
·         Robin
·         Hamad

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Leisure Pleasure Unit

Unit Details:  Leisure Pleasure

Below are the unit details for this unit.

Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Form and Function
Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry
Products can be influenced by creativity which enhance their form and function.
Inquiry questions
Factual Which systems contribute to our leisure and pleasure?
Conceptual To what extent do digital products enhance the quality of life?
Debatable What drives creativity? Market push or desire to improve quality of life?
AK strand

Designers don't just create products and solutions out of no where.  They have a process that enables them to succeed.  In MYP Design we focus on how to approach design.  Students learn the Design Cycle- An effective method for engaging with design problems.  Always remember that your goal is to apply the design cycle to solve problems for real situations. That is why we insist on a real client.

In design, emphasis in the process is actually MORE critical than the product at this point in MYP.  Evidence of your learning and the evolution of your ideas throughout in the product development should be clear.

Discuss in pairs
  • What comes to your mind about the unit title above? 
  • Is technology is good for leisure/pleasure? Why or why not?
  • How is the use of technology relaxing? what some of technological IT tools are used for relaxation?
  • Is the use of technology stimulating/ and good for creativity? why or why not? Give examples 
Read the following articles and watch the video

What do you agree with and what don't you agree with in the articles and videos above;
Activity 1 (to be done in pairs for 10 mins)
  • Research briefly, describe and ranked FIVE technologies that in your opinion have transformed leisure/pleasure/entertainment.
  • Why did you rank them as you did? what influenced your ranking? 
Activity 2 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Name FOUR current innovations that have transformed leisure/entertainment and state why.
  • Suggest or predict some of the technological innovations that you foresee in future
Activity 3 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Share ONE news article,or video or any other evidence that  supports either that " information technology has improved leisure and entertainment for the better" or "information technology has destroyed how we enjoy leisure and entertain ourselves"
Other resources

Animations for entertainment 

Apps builder

Designing architectural designs
How can you build outstanding designs during your leisure time?

Games in 3D