Saturday, November 15, 2014

Leisure Pleasure Unit

Unit Details:  Leisure Pleasure

Below are the unit details for this unit.

Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Form and Function
Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry
Products can be influenced by creativity which enhance their form and function.
Inquiry questions
Factual Which systems contribute to our leisure and pleasure?
Conceptual To what extent do digital products enhance the quality of life?
Debatable What drives creativity? Market push or desire to improve quality of life?
AK strand

Designers don't just create products and solutions out of no where.  They have a process that enables them to succeed.  In MYP Design we focus on how to approach design.  Students learn the Design Cycle- An effective method for engaging with design problems.  Always remember that your goal is to apply the design cycle to solve problems for real situations. That is why we insist on a real client.

In design, emphasis in the process is actually MORE critical than the product at this point in MYP.  Evidence of your learning and the evolution of your ideas throughout in the product development should be clear.

Discuss in pairs
  • What comes to your mind about the unit title above? 
  • Is technology is good for leisure/pleasure? Why or why not?
  • How is the use of technology relaxing? what some of technological IT tools are used for relaxation?
  • Is the use of technology stimulating/ and good for creativity? why or why not? Give examples 
Read the following articles and watch the video

What do you agree with and what don't you agree with in the articles and videos above;
Activity 1 (to be done in pairs for 10 mins)
  • Research briefly, describe and ranked FIVE technologies that in your opinion have transformed leisure/pleasure/entertainment.
  • Why did you rank them as you did? what influenced your ranking? 
Activity 2 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Name FOUR current innovations that have transformed leisure/entertainment and state why.
  • Suggest or predict some of the technological innovations that you foresee in future
Activity 3 (to be done individually) 10 mins
  • Share ONE news article,or video or any other evidence that  supports either that " information technology has improved leisure and entertainment for the better" or "information technology has destroyed how we enjoy leisure and entertain ourselves"
Other resources

Animations for entertainment 

Apps builder

Designing architectural designs
How can you build outstanding designs during your leisure time?

Games in 3D

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