Monday, March 28, 2011

Investigate Stage;Part B

Respond to the following questions in less than 2 pages.


(a) FLASH TOOLS: Find out: “What the animation package (Flash MX 2010) is capable of?” and write your answers in a list. Example: An object can be rotated with a motion tween. (You will continue to add to this list later as you learn more about Flash).

( b) Compare any other FOUR animation softwares. You can use a table to do this.

(c) COMPUTERIZED ANIMATIONS: Brainstorm a list of: “What can Flash animations be used for?” Examples: -Advertising a product online -An Introduction to a web page.

(d) What techniques and styles have others used to animated cartoons? Watch the animations done by other students and artists. Describe features that make you like and dislike each animation you watch.

(e) What makes a great animation? Read what you wrote in Parts (a), (b), (c),(d).

Your Bibliography should have a minimum of 5 references written using APA Referencing standards.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Animate Me! Unit

Unit tile: Animate Me!:

Unit Question: What is the impact of using animation software in creating cartoons and comics for communication?

Health Social Eudcation: How can we create animations to address health and social issues in our society?

AK Strand
Global economics:

How has the use animation software transformed the cartoons production industry?

Write down any other five guiding questions that you will need answer to as we cover the unit.
By the end of the unit, you will be expected to answer two main questions:

How are animations created?

How do I create animations to communicate virtal health and social issues of our of society?

•An animation is a good way to get people, especially young people and visual learners, to
be interested in something like a piece of information.

•An animation is easier to create if it is well planned and broken down into smaller, more
manageable steps. We will follow “the Design Cycle” in creating our animations.

•The questions to answer in your CT class are:

'What are the main features of my animation software?
'How can I visually communicate my topic of interest in my created animation?

Investigate Stage : Part A

To understand and to create animations we will need first to understand how images are processed in the computer. Research and provide relevant examples on the following. Email this to in a maximum of two pages. Show your references in APA format.

• What is binary? and give examples

• What is a BIT? Give examples of this

• What is BYTE? Provide examples

• What is a PIXEL ? provide some examples

• What is resolution of images?

• What is dpi? Give any practical example

• Distinguish between morphing and Tweening? Look for examples of software that tweens and one that morphs and use them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Evaluate Stage:Songsmith

You are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment.

You are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

As students, you are expected to evaluate your own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which your performance could be improved.(Maximum 3 pages, Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, Your name in the footer)

Please use the questions as a guide to your evaluate stage.

-How did you perform in each stage of the design cycle? What were your strengths and what were your weakness?

-What are some of the improvements that you would make to your product following the feedback from testing?

- what were the views of the client?

- Which stage of the design cycle did you perform well and which stage did you perform poorly and what were your reasons?

- Reflect on one the area of interaction linked to this project:

Assessment Criteria

0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1-2 :The student attempts to evaluate the music produced and his/her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product created.

3-4: The student to a greater extend evaluates the music produced and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student tests the product to evaluate it against the design specification

5-6: The student evaluates the success of the music produced in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product and or solution on life, society and or the environment.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Create Stage:Songsmith

The final created product should meet your design specs; We expect ;
  • Lyrics included
  • music to last as specified in the design specification
  • include the various styles and techniques available in the software
  • submitt the final product in a CD
  • The CD labelled appropriately
  • Modification, testing and any other challenges recorded in the process jouranl

Assessment criteria

0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1-2:The student considers the plan and creates a simple song using very few styles and techniques from the software.

3-4:The student uses appropriate styles and techniques available in the software in the proudction of the music. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of good quality and it is burned on a CD and labelled correctly.

5-6: The student competently uses styles and techniques in the software appropriately in the music production. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of appropriate quality and it's burned on a CD and labelled appropriately.