Saturday, March 26, 2011

Animate Me! Unit

Unit tile: Animate Me!:

Unit Question: What is the impact of using animation software in creating cartoons and comics for communication?

Health Social Eudcation: How can we create animations to address health and social issues in our society?

AK Strand
Global economics:

How has the use animation software transformed the cartoons production industry?

Write down any other five guiding questions that you will need answer to as we cover the unit.
By the end of the unit, you will be expected to answer two main questions:

How are animations created?

How do I create animations to communicate virtal health and social issues of our of society?

•An animation is a good way to get people, especially young people and visual learners, to
be interested in something like a piece of information.

•An animation is easier to create if it is well planned and broken down into smaller, more
manageable steps. We will follow “the Design Cycle” in creating our animations.

•The questions to answer in your CT class are:

'What are the main features of my animation software?
'How can I visually communicate my topic of interest in my created animation?

Investigate Stage : Part A

To understand and to create animations we will need first to understand how images are processed in the computer. Research and provide relevant examples on the following. Email this to in a maximum of two pages. Show your references in APA format.

• What is binary? and give examples

• What is a BIT? Give examples of this

• What is BYTE? Provide examples

• What is a PIXEL ? provide some examples

• What is resolution of images?

• What is dpi? Give any practical example

• Distinguish between morphing and Tweening? Look for examples of software that tweens and one that morphs and use them.

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