Friday, March 16, 2012

Digital Entertainment Unit

As we live in this life, were are either entertained or we entertain. The packaging and presentation of the entertainment is critical in reaching and pleasing the targeted audience. Entertainment comes in different forms and ways. The means that was used to entertain in the yester years are not the same means used today.
Question to ponder: Which group of people would you like to entertain? What will be the entertainment? what IT tool will you use and Why?

This unit is aimed at investigating and understanding the digital technologies in use, their impacts and solution to any problems arisng from their use. There are many digital entertainment solutions but their effectiveness vary from tool to another. Below are the details of our next unit

Unit Title: Digital Entertainment
AOI Human Ingenuity: Student will develop digital products that can be used to entertain.
Significant Concept: The choice of a technology for entertainment determines the success or failure of its productiveness.
AK Focus
Pluralism: How has IT in entertainment influenced our perception of other people?
Unit Question: To what extend has information technology influenced the way we entertain?

Digital Entertainment Unit
Develop a mind-map or a brainstorm that will guide your entire process of the design cycle. The brainstorm can be drawn or you can use any software. The Brainstorm should show atleast two possible aternatives to the following;
Investigate Stage
-the Problem
- the Client
- the product
- the primary sources
- Testing strategy
Design stage
- Design types
Plan stage
- Planning tools

Project proposal
Use the provided project proposal document to fill in the details for your next CT project.

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