Sunday, May 22, 2011

Create Stage in Animate Me! Unit

The final created product should meet your design specs; We expect ;

The animation to last for not less that 3 minutes.
Include audio where possible.
Have a minimum of three characters in most of the frames created.
Uploaded as a continuos file either in youtube or emailed to me.
Modification, testing and any other challenges recorded in the process jouranl

Assessment criteria

0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

1-2:The student considers the plan and creates a simple animation using very few styles and techniques from the software. What is communicated is not clear.

3-4:The student uses appropriate styles and techniques available in the software in the proudction of the animation. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of good quality and the message is some how understood.

5-6: The student competently uses styles and techniques in the software appropriately in the animation production. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting animation produced is of appropriate quality and the message therein is clear and captivating.

Sample students' project using Toon boom

other related animation programs

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