Thursday, May 5, 2011

Design Stage: Summative (Animate Me! unit)

In this Unit's design stage, you will develop two designs of storyboards communicating the same story.

Each storyboard design will;
- Have atleast 6 frames or at most 10 frames
- In each frame have atleast three characters
- The design of characters should be totally different for the two storyboard designs.

After the two design development is completed, you will be required to write a detailed report comparing the two softwares used.(ONLY IN LESS THAN ONE PAGE)

- Describe the advantages of each design( write this in one paragraph)
- Describe the disadvantages of each design( write this in one paragraph)
- Describe the similarities of the two designs(write this in one paragraph)
- Explain how & which design meets your design specs mentioned in the investigate stage( write this in one paragraph)
-Justify your choice: From the two designs developed, which one will you use to create your final animation product and why?(Write this in one paragraph )

Assessment Criteria

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

1-2 The student generates one or two design storyboards with basic or limited techniques. The comparison between the designs is superficial and makes little attempt to justify this against the design specification.

3-4 The student generates two designs applying developing some characters creatively. The story is understood from the frames. The student explains the strength, limitations and similarities of designs. The student justifys the choice of one designed storyboard and explains this against the design specification

5-6 The student generates two storyboard designs aplying and developing unique characters. The story is communicated clearly from the frames. Each used design is discussed in terms of strengths and weaknesses against the design specification. A justification is done for the final choice with a more extensive and critical discussion (strengths and weaknesses) against the design specification

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