Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sport Technology: Investigate Stage

The final investigate stage should not exceed 6 pages of font 12 Times New Roman. All responses should be in paragraphs with sub-headings for identification. APA in-text citation and APA format of referencing should be applied. The process journal must be used throughout the design cycle.

Your challenge is to identify a client and a problem in sports that requires an information technology solution(product) to address the problem identified.
You will have the following in your investigation:

  • Description of the problem.

  • Design Brief.

  • Secondary research on the problem and partly the technology of choice

  • Primary research

  • Design specification

  • Test strategy

  • Bibliography

  • Investigate Assessment criteria
    Level 0
    The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

    Level 1–2
    The student states the problem. The student investigates the problem, collecting information from sources. The student lists some specifications.

    Level 3–4
    The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analysing information from some acknowledged sources. The student describes a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

    Level 5–6
    The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Sports Technology Unit

    Unit Question: How have developments in IT influenced sports?

    AOI: Health and social education
    • Students will be introduced to the importance of sports to our health and the ways sports market health.
    • Students will consider and reflect on the different technologies used in sports -training, safety, marketing, performance and judgments.
    • Students evaluate the impact of online games on health and safety.

    Significant Concepts / Central Idea
    • The technology you use in a sport influences your health and your performance
    • Sports can be used to make anything popular.
    • Simulation can be developed for training a Sport to new learners.
    • Computer games can be used build or destroy the quality and knowledge of a sport.

    AK Focus: Ethics
    • The learners will demonstrate the ability to engage with and understand the underpinning values and constructs of each other’s perspectives
    • They will also demonstrate the ability to live out and communicate a personal ethic confidently, compromising where appropriate

    MYP Summative Assessment
    Student will produce any digital product. They can create an interactive game, design a website, develop a video or documentary, create a commercial, create a tutorial, or produce a song that can be used to popularize a sport to students or persons in a community. The product can address any specific themes in sport; Training; Rules; Products Specific to the Sports; Future;

    Write Brief Notes from the technology links below

    Read the article below also and make brief notes

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Digital Activism: Evaluate Stage

    In this stage you are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. You are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

    You will also be expected to evaluate your own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggest ways in which your performance could be improved.

    In your evaluate stage you should have the following evident.
    - Review of the methods of testing. How you used them.
    - Appropriate questions for the client and peer used in the evaluation.
    - Clients' and peer responses to the questions
    - Summary of the above used as part of the evaluate stage.

    Assessment criteria
    : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

    1-2: The student evaluates the product/solution or his or her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product/solution.

    3-4:The student evaluates the product/solution and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved.The student tests the product/solution to evaluate it against the design specification.

    5-6:The student evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

    Friday, October 28, 2011

    Computer Simulation

    Answer the question below in MS word.
    a) What is computer simulation?
    b) Investigate and list down at least five different types of simulation programs you know
    c) What are some benefits of using simualtion programs?
    d) Questions to respond to on any one simulation program you have used:
  • Was the simulation program realistic?

  • Does the simulation represent a real life or fantasy situation?

  • How realistic is it?

  • Did the same things always happen - was there a pattern?

  • What are the variables, can you think of any others which might make the simulation more accurate?

  • Was there more than one solution to the problem?

  • What were the good points/bad points?

  • What did you find out?

  • e) Can simulation programs be created and used for activism? Discuss.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Create Stage: Digital Activism

    The create process of your product/ IT solution should now start. Ensure that your Plan is followed and any deviations documented. While creating always refer to your design specs and the choosen design.

    The process journal should be used frequently to document progress in this stage.

    Appropriate quality: Ensure that the best possible product / solution is produced, taking into account the resources available, the skills and techniques used. Also, show how the product/solution addresses the identified need.

    Assessment Criteria
    The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
    The student considers the plan and creates at least part of a product/ solution.

    The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of good quality.

    The student competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

    Sunday, October 9, 2011


    Read the notes in following links below on Graphics. You can make important notes where possible.

    Attempt the following Activity

    Look at the examples of image manipulation below prepare;

    What do you think of these images?

    Which softwares are used for image manipulation?

    Are able to manipulate any image using any of the software?

    Search for any cases where manipulation of images have been used for advertisements?


    Sunday, September 18, 2011

    Plan Stage: Digital Activism

    In your plan you should have;

  • Your steps for the creation of the product.

  • A resource List

  • Time plan

  • Evaluation / Modification of your plan: NB. This will be done after the create stage.

    • Assessment Criteria
      The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
      given below.

      The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or
      the resources required.

      The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that
      include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate
      the plan.

      The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical
      steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically
      evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

      Sample students' Plan:

      You can use tomsplanner

      Tuesday, September 13, 2011

      Design Stage for Digital Activism Unit

      For this stage you will develop three designs; The designs can be drawn on paper or designed using an appropriate software but submitted in hardcopy.

      Each of the three designs should be measured against the design specifications with a brief personal self evaluation.

      The final design should be fully Justified.

      Assessment Criteria
      The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
      given below.
      The student generates one design, and makes some attempt to justify
      this against the design specification.
      The student generates a few designs, justifying the choice of one design
      and fully evaluating this against the design specification.
      The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated
      the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design
      and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification.

      Please refer to the previous posting for students' designs posted.

      Sunday, September 4, 2011

      Investigate Stage: Digital Activism Unit

      The final investigate stage should not exceed 6 pages of font 12 Times New Roman. All responses should be in paragraphs with sub-headings for identification. APA in-text citation and APA format of referencing should be applied. The process journal must be used throughout the design cycle.

      Your challenge is to identify a client in the community with a problem that requires highlighting, educating, or creating awareness.

      You will have the following in your investigation:

      • Description of the problem.

      • Design Brief.

      • Secondary research on the technology of choice

      • Primary research

      • Design specification

      • Test strategy

      • Bibliography

      Investigate Assessment criteria

      Level 0
      The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

      Level 1–2
      The student states the problem. The student investigates the problem, collecting information from sources. The student lists some specifications.

      Level 3–4
      The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analysing information from some acknowledged sources. The student describes a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

      Level 5–6
      The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.


      Thursday, August 25, 2011

      Digital Activism Task 2 for Friday 26th 08 2011

      You are a resident of Mombasa and you have been asked to prepare a 3 minute video report on the effects of drugs in Kenya and in particular mombasa using movie maker software.

      Your video report should include the following;

      - Your own voice recording that will last thro the 3 mins.

    • stating the problem

    • the effects

    • and suggested solution to the problem.

      • - Images from drug cases only in kenya.
        - Any instrumental music appropriate to the report.
        - Apply different transitions and effects from movie maker.
        - Upload your final video report in youtube and send the link to

        The following will be assessed;
        -The clarity and appropriateness of the information recorded
        -The choice of the images
        - the appropriate use of movie maker transitions and effects
        - The final uploaded youtube report.

        Monday, August 22, 2011

        Digital Activism Unit:

        Unit Title: Digital Activism

        Different technologies have been popular medium to communicate ideas, create awareness to issues in the society. The technologies can be used to entertain, to inform, to persuade, and even to spark awareness. With the many current IT related technologies, our messages and stories can be told with more clarity, emotion, and with impact.

        Community and Service: Important community issues are shared using different mediums. The many problems of different individuals can be solved by the choice and means we use to relay the information to influence decision.

        AK Focus : Governance and Civil society:

        Unit Question: How can I effectively highlight the issues affecting my community?

        Today's Activity:
        Activity 1
        Use movie maker software to created a short clip highligting the hunger issues in Kenya, Somalia and Part of ethiopia.

        Include the following;
        - 6 still images
        - One video
        - Music in the background where possible
        - Different transitions
        - Last for at least 1 min.

        Activity 2

        Attempt the task in the link below use movie maker

        Monday, June 13, 2011

        Animate me! Evaluate Stage

        You are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment.

        You are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

        As students, you are expected to evaluate your own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which your performance could be improved.(Maximum 3 pages, Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, Your name in the footer)

        Please use the questions as a guide to your evaluate stage.

        -How did you perform in each stage of the design cycle? What were your strengths and what were your weakness?

        -What are some of the improvements that you would make to your product following the feedback from testing?

        - what were the views of the client?

        - Which stage of the design cycle did you perform well and which stage did you perform poorly and what were your reasons?

        - Reflect on one the area of interaction and strand linked to this project:

        Assessment Criteria

        0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2 :The student attempts to evaluate the animation produced and his/her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product created.

        3-4: The student to a greater extend evaluates the animation produced and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student tests the product to evaluate it against the design specification

        5-6: The student evaluates the success of the animation produced in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product and or solution on life, society and or the environment.

        Sunday, May 22, 2011

        Create Stage in Animate Me! Unit

        The final created product should meet your design specs; We expect ;

        The animation to last for not less that 3 minutes.
        Include audio where possible.
        Have a minimum of three characters in most of the frames created.
        Uploaded as a continuos file either in youtube or emailed to me.
        Modification, testing and any other challenges recorded in the process jouranl

        Assessment criteria

        0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2:The student considers the plan and creates a simple animation using very few styles and techniques from the software. What is communicated is not clear.

        3-4:The student uses appropriate styles and techniques available in the software in the proudction of the animation. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of good quality and the message is some how understood.

        5-6: The student competently uses styles and techniques in the software appropriately in the animation production. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting animation produced is of appropriate quality and the message therein is clear and captivating.

        Sample students' project using Toon boom

        other related animation programs

        Sunday, May 15, 2011

        Animate Me! Planning stage

        Develop a plan using the Tom's Gantt chart planner in link below.

        You will not be penalized if you have already used a different tool. Learn and use the features available in the Tom's planner.

        -Brief description of what is going to happen
        -Description of the tools or ideas used in achieving the individual task.
        -The duration of the task or activity.
        -Mentions persons involved at any stage.

        The planning tool should be not more than two pages, and landscape paper orientation.

        Ensure that there are a minimum of 8 clear stages.

        Evaluation of the Plan

        You will critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design

        The Assessment Rubric
        0: The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2: The student has identified and used a simple planning tool that contains sketchy details of the steps and/or the resource required.

        3-4: The student has used appropriately the planning tool. The tool contains a number of logical steps that include resources, reasons and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.

        5-6: The student has effectively and efficiently used the planning tool. The tool usedt contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

        Thursday, May 5, 2011

        Design Stage: Summative (Animate Me! unit)

        In this Unit's design stage, you will develop two designs of storyboards communicating the same story.

        Each storyboard design will;
        - Have atleast 6 frames or at most 10 frames
        - In each frame have atleast three characters
        - The design of characters should be totally different for the two storyboard designs.

        After the two design development is completed, you will be required to write a detailed report comparing the two softwares used.(ONLY IN LESS THAN ONE PAGE)

        - Describe the advantages of each design( write this in one paragraph)
        - Describe the disadvantages of each design( write this in one paragraph)
        - Describe the similarities of the two designs(write this in one paragraph)
        - Explain how & which design meets your design specs mentioned in the investigate stage( write this in one paragraph)
        -Justify your choice: From the two designs developed, which one will you use to create your final animation product and why?(Write this in one paragraph )

        Assessment Criteria

        0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

        1-2 The student generates one or two design storyboards with basic or limited techniques. The comparison between the designs is superficial and makes little attempt to justify this against the design specification.

        3-4 The student generates two designs applying developing some characters creatively. The story is understood from the frames. The student explains the strength, limitations and similarities of designs. The student justifys the choice of one designed storyboard and explains this against the design specification

        5-6 The student generates two storyboard designs aplying and developing unique characters. The story is communicated clearly from the frames. Each used design is discussed in terms of strengths and weaknesses against the design specification. A justification is done for the final choice with a more extensive and critical discussion (strengths and weaknesses) against the design specification

        Monday, April 18, 2011

        Design Stage: Part A

        Read and discuss in pairs the following

        a) What is storyboad?

        b) How can you use the storyboard in the development of your animations

        c) Use any storyboard software to develop a sketch of your project You may use the resources in the links below;

        Monday, April 4, 2011

        Investigate Stage: Summative: Animate Me! Unit

        Please respond to the following activities in MS word ensuring that it does not exceed 6 pages of font 12 Times New Roman. All responses should be in paragraphs with sub-headings for identification. Ensure that entries are made to process journal throughout the design cycle.

        Animation software has been used to produce cartoons and comics for different purposes. Many issues in our society have been addressed by communicating using animated comics and cartoons. We will therefore use animation software to create and examine it's impact in communications.
        Our AOI on focus is Health and Social Education. Identify a problem linked to AOI and one client who is not a student.

        Description of the problem. (200 words).
        - Who have you identified as your client and why is she/he a suitable client?
        - What is the problem to be addressed? Describe how the client is currently addresses the problem.
        - Why do you think you client will need an IT solution to address the problem?

        Design Brief:
        The Design Brief is a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom are you making it for. It should be an open ended statement.
        • What will you create to address the problem identified above?
        • Why do you think this is the best solution, compared to other solutions?
        • What are the benefits/advantages to the client of creating the stated product?

        Secondary Research
        For our better understanding of animation software use, an indepth research should carried out. In your research, all sources must be written in the standard APA format of citation ( see examples of citations in )

        I will expect to see the following sources for your research.
        - 6 Internet sources.
        - 4 Books sources.
        - 2 Newspaper sources
        - 4 Magazine sources.

        Below are some areas of research expected. Each information obtained should be summarized or written as briefly as possible with sub-headings.

        - Investigate the areas where where animations have been used and why they were used.

        - Which animations softwares were used in which creating which cartoon movies (4).

        - Which animated cartoon movie made the most money in 2010?

        - Four animations examples created and used for the wrong purposes or have had a negative impact

        - Four animations examples created and used for the right purposes or have had a positive impact.

        - Name an animations created which conveyed the best message and what was the message conveyed and who created the animation?

        - Brief summary of 3D animations software reviews by experts. Which is the best?

        - Animations skills & techniques, and related terminologies

        Primary Research Interview/ Questionnaire:
        Part of data collection involves primary data collection. You will interview someone who has used an animated software and establish why animations are prefered or not prefered.
        (Your interview document should have the following headings: Name of the interviewee, his/her position, place of interview and date)
        - Identify the person to interview
        - Develop 10 open ended questions that you will need to ask.
        - Set an appointment and interview that person or use a questionnaire
        - then write down all the responses from the interview process or summarize the responses from the questionaire.

        Design Specification
        Design specification describes the details of what the final product should have based on the clients problem.
        What should a good animation have? - write short statements of the design specification that you want to see in our final anination created.

        Test Strategy

        -What tools will you use to test that the product is meeting the design specs standards?

        -Describe briefly how the tools will be used.

        Investigate Assessment criteria
        -Failure to address the actual task set.
        -The student has not handed in an investigation
        -The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below
        -Little knowledge and ability in identifying the computer animation tools needed
        -Hardly any attempt of research and analyse the problem (why is animation required, what makes animation great, etc)
        - Test strategy and design specs in outlined in basic limited points.
        -Lists a few sources, some of which may be irrelevant without in-text references.
        -Some knowledge and ability in identifying and research of computer animation tools needed
        -Signs of analysis of the problem (why animation is ideal, what makes animation great, etc)
        - The design spec is briefly stated with some short statements on test strategy.
        - Adequately acknowledges sources with a few in-text references.
        - Good knowledge and ability in identifying most of the computer animation tools and animation terminologies
        - Some clear analysis of the problem based on the research.( what makes animation great, etc)
        - The design specs is clearly explained with a a clear explaination of the test strategy.
        - Effectively acknowledges sources with properly used in-text references.
        - Excellent knowledge and ability in identifying the computer animation tools available/needed
        - High degree of analysis of the problem based on the researched information. (what makes animation great, etc)
        - Thoroughly evalauted design specification with a thorough evalaution of test strategy.
        - Consistently and clearly used in-text referencing with acknowledges sources in a Bibliography

        Monday, March 28, 2011

        Investigate Stage;Part B

        Respond to the following questions in less than 2 pages.


        (a) FLASH TOOLS: Find out: “What the animation package (Flash MX 2010) is capable of?” and write your answers in a list. Example: An object can be rotated with a motion tween. (You will continue to add to this list later as you learn more about Flash).

        ( b) Compare any other FOUR animation softwares. You can use a table to do this.

        (c) COMPUTERIZED ANIMATIONS: Brainstorm a list of: “What can Flash animations be used for?” Examples: -Advertising a product online -An Introduction to a web page.

        (d) What techniques and styles have others used to animated cartoons? Watch the animations done by other students and artists. Describe features that make you like and dislike each animation you watch.

        (e) What makes a great animation? Read what you wrote in Parts (a), (b), (c),(d).

        Your Bibliography should have a minimum of 5 references written using APA Referencing standards.

        Saturday, March 26, 2011

        Animate Me! Unit

        Unit tile: Animate Me!:

        Unit Question: What is the impact of using animation software in creating cartoons and comics for communication?

        Health Social Eudcation: How can we create animations to address health and social issues in our society?

        AK Strand
        Global economics:

        How has the use animation software transformed the cartoons production industry?

        Write down any other five guiding questions that you will need answer to as we cover the unit.
        By the end of the unit, you will be expected to answer two main questions:

        How are animations created?

        How do I create animations to communicate virtal health and social issues of our of society?

        •An animation is a good way to get people, especially young people and visual learners, to
        be interested in something like a piece of information.

        •An animation is easier to create if it is well planned and broken down into smaller, more
        manageable steps. We will follow “the Design Cycle” in creating our animations.

        •The questions to answer in your CT class are:

        'What are the main features of my animation software?
        'How can I visually communicate my topic of interest in my created animation?

        Investigate Stage : Part A

        To understand and to create animations we will need first to understand how images are processed in the computer. Research and provide relevant examples on the following. Email this to in a maximum of two pages. Show your references in APA format.

        • What is binary? and give examples

        • What is a BIT? Give examples of this

        • What is BYTE? Provide examples

        • What is a PIXEL ? provide some examples

        • What is resolution of images?

        • What is dpi? Give any practical example

        • Distinguish between morphing and Tweening? Look for examples of software that tweens and one that morphs and use them.

        Sunday, March 13, 2011

        Evaluate Stage:Songsmith

        You are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment.

        You are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

        As students, you are expected to evaluate your own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which your performance could be improved.(Maximum 3 pages, Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, Your name in the footer)

        Please use the questions as a guide to your evaluate stage.

        -How did you perform in each stage of the design cycle? What were your strengths and what were your weakness?

        -What are some of the improvements that you would make to your product following the feedback from testing?

        - what were the views of the client?

        - Which stage of the design cycle did you perform well and which stage did you perform poorly and what were your reasons?

        - Reflect on one the area of interaction linked to this project:

        Assessment Criteria

        0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2 :The student attempts to evaluate the music produced and his/her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product created.

        3-4: The student to a greater extend evaluates the music produced and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student tests the product to evaluate it against the design specification

        5-6: The student evaluates the success of the music produced in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product and or solution on life, society and or the environment.

        Sunday, March 6, 2011

        Create Stage:Songsmith

        The final created product should meet your design specs; We expect ;
        • Lyrics included
        • music to last as specified in the design specification
        • include the various styles and techniques available in the software
        • submitt the final product in a CD
        • The CD labelled appropriately
        • Modification, testing and any other challenges recorded in the process jouranl

        Assessment criteria

        0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2:The student considers the plan and creates a simple song using very few styles and techniques from the software.

        3-4:The student uses appropriate styles and techniques available in the software in the proudction of the music. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of good quality and it is burned on a CD and labelled correctly.

        5-6: The student competently uses styles and techniques in the software appropriately in the music production. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made in the process journal. The resulting music produced is of appropriate quality and it's burned on a CD and labelled appropriately.

        Friday, February 11, 2011

        Plan Stage: Songsmith Unit.

        Develop a plan using any appropriate planning tool of your choice. Using your planning tool ensure the following are provided;

        • Brief description of what is going to happen
        • Decription of the tools or ideas used in achieving the individual task and why?
        • The duration of the task or activity any why?
        • Mentions persons involved at any stage and why?

        The planning tool should be in exactly two pages, landscape paper orientation, New Times Roman font style used and font size 12. Print and submit before the set midnight deadline.

        Below are some activities that must be in your plan: Getting and install software, testing the product, writing the lyrics, recording, editing, improvements, burning in a CD.

        Evaluation of the Plan

        You will then evaluate the planning and justify the modification to the designs.

        • What are the strengths and limitations of using the choosen planning tool.
        • What modifications where made to the original music designs and why?

        This should be in exactly one page and all information in paragraphs, New Times Roman style, font size 12 used, and your name page numberss in the footer. Email the evaluation of the plan to me by the set deadline.

        The Assessment Rubric
        0: The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

        1-2: The student has identified and used a simple planning tool that contains sketchy details of the steps and/or the resource required.

        3-4: The student has identified and used an appropriate planning tool that contains a number of logical steps that include resources, reasons and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.

        5-6: The student has identified and used the best suitable planning tool that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

        Sunday, February 6, 2011

        Design Assessment Rubric

        0 : The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

        1-2: The student generates one or two designs of music software demo using basic or limited techniques. The comparison between the software is superficial and makes little attempt to justify this against the design specification.

        3-4:The student generates two music demos applying some of the inbuilt styles and techniques appropriately. The student explains the strength, limitations and similarities of software used. The student justifys the choice of one music design and fully explains this against the design specification.

        5-6:The student generates two music demos applying most of the styles and techniques in each skillfully. Each used software is discussed in terms of strengths and weaknesses against the design specification. A justification is done for the final choice with a more extensive and critical discussion (strengths and weaknesses) against the design specification.

        Sunday, January 30, 2011

        Design Stage: Songsmith Unit

        In this Unit's design stage, you will develop two different possibilities or demontrations using any two different music software.

        Each demonstration will;
        - Last between 30-60 seconds
        - apply most of the techniques and styles available in the software
        - You have the option of either adding lyrics or not
        - All the beats generated must be original and not editted from other songs

        After the two demonstration development is completed, you will be required to write a detailed report comparing the two softwares used.(ONLY IN LESS THAN TWO PAGES)

        - Describe the advantages of each software ( write this in two paragraphs)
        - Describe the disadvantages of each software( write this in two paragraphs)
        - Describe the similarities of the two softwares(write this in one paragraph)
        - Explain how & which software meets your design specs mentioned in the investigate stage( write this in one paragraph)
        -Justify your choice: From the two softwares used, which one will you use to create your final product and why?(Write this in one paragraph )

        Any references and sources should use the APA standard referencing style and should be shown at the end of the last page.

        Monday, January 17, 2011

        APA Citation Activity

        Go thro the following information in the following link

        Write different references using the citation genrator below

        Answer the APA citation activity in the following link

        Sunday, January 9, 2011

        Investigate Stage: Songsmith Unit

        Please respond to the following activities in word word ensuring that it does not exceed 5 pages of font 12 Times New Roman. Keeping a process journal will be compulsory. Ensure that entries are made to process journal and carry it with you for checking in all the CT lessons.

        Music software has been used to produce music for different situations. Many issues in our society have been addressed through the power of music. The use of music software therefore has made it easy to produce music of high quality and solved the address the many problems of the society.

        Problem Description:
        In this unit you will be a music producer and you will be tasked with the problem of using any music software to produce music for your client or a group of clients.
        a) Identify and describe what your clients problem is. (200 words).
        - Who have you identified as your client?
        - What issue is to be addressed as stated by the client?
        - How is the problem addressed currently in the society?
        - What challenges are faced by your client/clients currently before the IT solution is introduced? Give examples where possible.

        b) Design Brief: (100 words)
        • What will you create to address the problem identified above?
        • Why do you think this is the best solution?
        • What is your motivation in using this IT solution?
        • What are the benefits/advantages of creating the stated product?

        c) Secondary Research
        For our better understanding of software use in music production, an indepth research should carried out. In your research, all sources must be written in the standard APA format of citation ( see examples of citations in ). I will expect to see the following sources for your research.
        - 6 Internet sources.
        - 3 Books sources.
        - 2 Newspaper sources
        - 2 Magazine sources.

        Below are some areas of research expected. Each information obtained should be summarized or written as briefly as possible with sub-headings.

        - Who was the producer, what was the software used to produce the first song using music software?
        - What are the different music production software in the market?
        - What are the steps taken when producing music, using music software?
        - What are the benefits of using producing music using music software?
        -What are the disadvantages of using music software in music production?
        - What are the different careers/jobs created by the introduction of music software?
        -What careers/jobs have been lost or in danger of disappearing as a result of introducing music software?
        -What are the different techniques and styles that can be achieved using music software?
        -What policies and laws have been in place in regards to software usage in music production?
        -Name some online training companies that train how to use music software and discuss their impact.

        d) Primary Research
        Interview/ Questionnaire: Part of data collection involves primary data collection. You will carry out an interview to establish the impact of producing music using music software . (Your interview document should have the following headings: Name of the interviewed, his/ her position, place of interview and date)
        - Identify a person within school or outside who has produced music or will produce music.
        - Develop 10 open ended questions that you will need to ask.
        - Set an appointment and interview that person or use a questionnaire
        - Write down all the responses from the interview process or summarize the responses from the questionaire.

        e) Design Specification
        Design specification describes the details of what the final product should have based on the client problem. For examples; how long with the music last? which will instruments included in product etc.

        -Outline some of the design specification that we want to see in our final database product. (Minimum of 10 specs)

        f) Test Strategy
        Any product must tested before being handed over to the client or users.

        - Describe the different strategies that you will use to test the product once it is finished.